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Last updated: 05th January 2025
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Chandler and Monica have known each other since they were in their late teens. They met at Thanksgiving 1987, when Monica was a Senior in high school and Chandler was Ross's freshman College roommate. However their relationship got off to a rocky start when Monica developed a crush on Chandler and overheard him calling her Ross's 'fat sister'. This insult motivated her to lose weight, and the following year she attempted to get him naked and humiliate him but accidentally cut off his toe instead. (The One With All The Thanksgivings).

They did become friends, and when Chandler graduated from NYU, Monica cared enough to tip him off about Apartment 19 becoming available and they became neighbors.

Flashback placing a year before the show starts, imply they were closer before Joey and Rachel became their respective roommates, as they hung out at the bar alone, played pool and it was Chandler who comforted Monica about Phoebe moving out. There are hints of attraction at this point, as he told her she was "the most beautiful women he'd ever known [in real life], "one of his favorite people". (The One With The Flashback)

For more information about their relationship check out the Friends Wiki Page :)

Designed, Coded and Maintained by Jane
Part of The Fanlistings

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