01. You must be a fan of Fefe Dobson.
02. Your first name, email, & country are required when joining.
03. No weird names & no sticky caps. No XxInFeFeDoBsOnRoXmYsOXxX names, please.
04. No listing racist/hate websites when joining. I will not link to Facebook, Twitter, or Fanpop. I will link to Livejournal if you have the listing linked back on your profile.
05. You don't have to have a website to join ; if you do, please link back to
06. If you chose the use a code, please upload onto to your own server. No direct linking. Your website will not be listed with your info if you direct link the code.
07. Please keep your information updated.

Designed, Coded and Maintained by Jane
Part of The Fanlistings

All images belong to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended.
I do not know Fefe Dobson, her family, her friends or former, affiliated with her management.
This is a nonprofit fansite for fan enjoyment only and is in no way official.