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Welcome to Sweet & Sassy! the Donna Jo 'DJ' Tanner fanlisting. D.J. Tanner was born on December 9, 1977. She is the oldest child in the Tanner family. D.J. is the older sister of Stephanie and Michelle Tanner. She shares a closer bond with Stephanie than with Michelle.

Though she gets upset at times over her father whenever he would either pry into her affairs or embarrass her, she is always quick to apologize, especially when she snaps at him. D.J. is often irritated about the limits her father places on her, and usually breaks these limits. In the end, she does learn her lesson (usually the hard way). This structure of one of the "Tanner sisters" learning a life-important lesson is shown in many episodes. D.J. is a straight A student (although she received a "F" and a "C" in science once, which never happened again).

From the season one episode "Daddy's Home", when she wouldn't talk about how much she wished Danny wasn't working so much because Stephanie would cry about Danny missing her recital, D.J. shows great sensitivity toward her younger siblings. She also stays home from her first non-mother/daughter slumber party to take care of Michelle when Jesse, Joey, and Stephanie all have the chicken pox, so Michelle won't get it (even though Danny was perfectly willing to miss a chance to see the game he wanted to go to). Stephanie quite often got on her nerves with her snooping, and this trend continued throughout the series (although Stephanie and D.J. fought less as they got older).

Her interests include music (such as George Michael during season 2), movies, and hanging out with her friends. In a few episodes from season two, she was shown to love horseback riding, dreaming of having her own horse and practicing karate. D.J. has a Pillow Person that she's attached to; unlike Mr. Bear, D.J.'s Pillow Person is still seen until the series ends. D.J. has a charm bracelet that Pam gave her when she and Danny brought Michelle home from the hospital.

Designed, Coded and Maintained by Jane
Part of The Fanlistings

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I am no way affiliated with Full House, any of the other cast, or any companies that were invovled with the character.
This is a nonprofit fansite for fan enjoyment only and is in no way official.